FOUP Bird Walk: Friday April 26 9:00am

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As anticipated, we are ready to restart the Friends of Uplands Park bird walks this month. The first one will be on Friday, April 26th. The bird walks will always start at 9:00am start in the main parking lot at Cattle Point and take place on the last weekend of each month (Friday, Saturday or Sunday). The weather is improving, wildflowers are blooming, and spring migrants are returning to beautiful Uplands Park and Cattle Point. 

Attached is Geoffrey’s photo of an Olive-sided Flycatcher which returns to our region after spending the winter in South America.

Geoffrey and Jean are also excited to once again offer our spring birding course “Birding with the Brothers” at the Monterey Recreation Centre. It takes place on Wednesday evenings at 7:00-8:00pm and the first class is coming up on May 8th. The course will focus on the identification of our spring migrants and summer residents including their songs and calls, plus when and where to find birds in Victoria, tips on how to find rare birds, and much more!

Registration for the birding course can be found here under the tab “Outdoors & Education”

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