About The Friends of Uplands Park Society

Friends of Uplands Park Mission Statement:
To create opportunities for stewardship, education and inspiration.

Friends of Uplands Park Mandate:
a. Support initiatives for protecting the ecosystems of Uplands Park.
b. Educate our community on the natural and cultural history of Uplands Park.
c. Celebrate the creativity inspired by Uplands Park.
d. Facilitate research/documentation focusing on Uplands Park
e. Seek out local knowledge about Uplands Park.

The idea of a Friends of Uplands Park (FOUP) was realized by a chance meeting between Margaret Lidkea and Kathleen Matthews, in Uplands Park, on November 8, 2009, during Oak Bay’s Annual Tree Appreciation Day event.

Margaret is well known for her work, as far back as 1993, in organizing Broom Bashes at Uplands Park with the Girl Guides, and, for her ongoing work with local schools where she shares her knowledge of the rare Garry Oak ecosystem found in Uplands Park.

With an equivalent long time passion for Uplands Park, Kathleen has enjoyed Uplands Park in so many ways, walking her dog, learning about the Uplands Park Garry Oak Meadows in the context of both the cultural and geological history, and, capturing the beauty and changing seasons with her camera.

By the time of our chance meeting, the desire to form a Friends of Uplands Park had been incubating independently, for a long time, with both Margaret and Kathleen. In 2009, Margaret was newly retired from her work with Swan Lake, and, Kathleen was one of the Directors in the Community Association of Oak Bay (CAOB) and held the portfolio responsible for environmental initiatives. The timing was opportune.

FOUP Website History:

A new FOUP website was launched on November 1, 2015, under the registered domain name of https://friendsofuplandspark.org.

The original FOUP website, launched in August 2011, is still available at https://friendsofuplandspark.wordpress.com under a new title: Friends of Uplands Park – The First Six Years (2010 – 2015). This original FOUP website was created and authored by Kathleen Matthews, FOUP Co-Founder, and FOUP Co-Chair until July 2015.